• Whale with little vertical
  • Whale tail immersion
  • Dolphin out of water
  • Whale shark feeds
  • Pink frog
  • Whale shark with pilot fish
  • Pink frog
  • Foolfish
  • Turtle in depth
  • Nudibranch
  • Crab on anemone

Diving along the coast

As part of the diving "inshore" includes all those dives that are 4 -5 km from the coast and therefore benefit from its protection and not suffer the negative effects of the tides.

It is mostly shallow, spread west of Nosy Be, just outside the island of Nosy Sakatia, or to the south, near the beach of Madirokeli and the Crater, with depths ranging from a minimum of 14 meters to a maximum of 24-25 meters.

They are shallow rich on fish by the colorful and picturesque scenery and leaving fascinated underwater photographers. Can be made with all types of tides: with the small tides as with the big tides, with the rising tide as with the descendant tide...., then depend of the experience of guide the ability to detect the location of the fish, which is the way indicated by the tidal condition   how to get the "maximum efficiency with minimum effort" for divers.

Normally we propose this as a second group of scuba diving in the morning, because they are less deep and placed at a lower distance from the base, then "on the way back.


Fucilieri (minimum depth 13 meters, maximum 24 meters)

Shallow elongated that develops between 14 and 24 feet deep. Named the "fish market", as the home of big schools of fusiliers and croaker, but also barracuda puppies and sardins. Often we assist  in a real “battle” for survival, where huge trevally fast and threatening clouds crazy chase at speeds of sardines that move in a bubble homogeneous and multifaceted consists of thousands of fast "bullets living."


Chameau (minimum depth 14 meters, maximum 25 meters)

In Italian “cammello” for the conformation in double-humped this dry that develops between 14 and 25 feet deep. The outer sides of these two humps are an inexhaustible mine of spectacular nudibranchs (often impossible to find even on scientific books) and anemones of various shapes and colors. On the hat group of fusiliers and croaker, gorgonians, soft corals that create a colorful landscape and fascinating for lovers of macro. It is not unusual to meet also leopard moray eels, groupers large size (not at all shy), parsnips and races of all sizes.


Sakatia caves (minimum depth 13m, max 25ms / minimum depth 15m, max 25m)

Some conformations reefs, resting on a sandy bottom and flat, to 25 feet deep, rich in corals and soft corals provide shelter, with small caves and ravines, in a peculiar choreography of captains, glass fish, fusiliers, crocodile fish, scorpion fish and stingrays.

It ends the immersion going on a plateau colored 16 - 17 feet deep, zigzagging in favor of current between beautiful gorgonians and admiring peaceful groups of angelfish scattered benches of unicorns, expanses of corals of all kinds, anemones inhabited by clowns and porcelain crabs. It is possible, in lucky days, even unexpected encounters.


Licorn (minimum depth 15 meters, maximum 24 meters)

Not so far from Sakatia caves’, this dry sheltered from the currents, frequented by large group of unicorns (hence the French name) and snappers. A dive to do in complete relaxes, observing the quiet life of the reef, lulled by the current. We call it "the Nemo house” and is one of the dives that you can make even the worst sea conditions and current.


Gorgonia bank  (minimum depth 10 meters, maximum 19 meters)

A bank that develops between 14 and 19 feet deep to go. as a wooded park, in a scenic route between giant sea fans who thronged the eye by filtering plankton-rich waters of the canal that separates from Madagascar Nosy Be. Here they have their home two giant green turtles and found a perfect habitat parsnips, crocodile fish, cowries but also lobsters the surprising  size , expanses of beautiful anemones and a series of glass sponges so large it can hold within them a whole underwater.


diving, madagascar, nosy be, house reef,

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